
How To: Grow Sprouts At Home

How To: Grow Sprouts

Growing your own sprouts at home is super easy! Follow this guide to learn how to grow sprouts with minimal tools and a little patience.



1-2 mason jar (or jars with fitting lid)

sprouting lid (or fine wire mesh cut to fit snug inside mason jar lid) --> this allows the water to drain through

1-2 Sprouting seeds of choice per jar

Large bowl/ tupperware to store the jars upside down in while they drain


  1. Get a jar, put 1-2 tablespoons of sprouting seeds in the bottom and fill it with water. Let it soak overnight.
  2. Put sprouting lid on top of jar, and tilt the jar upside down to drain all the water out.
  3. Then remove the lid, fill the jar back up with water, and put the lid back on. Swirl the jar to rinse the seeds, tilt it upside down to drain all the water out.
  4. Set the jar upside down at an angle inside a larger bowl. Leave it there to drain the rest of the water until the following day.
  5. Now, you will repeat the "rinse and drain" method : remove the lid, fill the jar with water, put the lid back on, swirl the jar to rinse the seeds, and tilt it upside down, draining all the water out.
  6. Repeat this for 5-7 days, until most all of your seeds have turned into sprouts! Length of time will depend on a few factors but count on at least 5 days.
  7. Remove the seeds from the jar and place them in an airtight container in the fridge - they'll last for a week!


See post above for photos 

Keywords: alfalfa sprouts, sprouting seeds at home, home grown sprouts, DIY sprouts