Learn how to roll sushi with or without a mat and be well on your way to rolling sushi like a pro in no time! Sushi can be a super quick and simple dinner, especially if you have pre-cooked rice and veggies on hand!

Learn to Roll Sushi - A Photo & Video Guide
Learn how to roll sushi with this step by step photo guide & video. We will cover how to roll sushi with and without a bamboo sushi rolling mat. Then, learn the secret for slicing sushi without it breaking and falling apart!
Bamboo Rolling Mats are mags designed to help you roll sushi. They're super helpful when learning because they help keep your roll together. When working at a sushi restaurant, I learned to put the mat in a large ziplock bag to keep rice from sticking to the mat, and for easy clean up.
If you don't have a bamboo mat - no worries! You can still do it without one. Just read on below to learn how.
For a yummy sushi recipe - check out our marinated mushroom, avocado, and cucumber sushi recipe!
How To: Roll Sushi WITH a Bamboo Sushi Mat
(Check out the video below as well)

1. Gather nori, a small bowl of water, and and bamboo sushi mat. Place nori on the bottom end of the mat. (I put my mat in a large ziplock to prevent sticking).

2. Wet hands (helps keep the rice from sticking to your hands), gather a handful of sushi rice and evenly spread it onto the nori, leaving one inch at the top blank.

3. Sprinkle sesame seeds and any seasonings onto the rice.

4. Add toppings to lower ½ of sushi roll. Get your fingertips wet, and moisten the the top inch of exposed nori.

5. Rolling sushi is a lot like rolling a burrito, cinnamon rolls, or a joint (sorry mom!). Grab the bottom of the sushi mat & nori. Roll the sushi mat up toward the middle of the roll, gathering all the fillings inside. It helps to use your fingers to push the filling inside.

6. When the bottom of the bamboo roller meets the middle of the nori sheet...

7. ... pause and firmly press alone the length of the roll, this will help shape it.

8. Lift the bottom of the bamboo roller up off the sushi (like pictured) to give you more room to continue rolling forward. Repeat the same process, until you roll over the exposed sheet of moist nori.

9. The wet nori will act as a seal. Once the entire roll is inside the palm of your hand, clamp your hands across the length of the roll to help give it shape.

10. Peel off the bamboo roller, and you'll have a roll of sushi! It works best to let the roll of sushi rest for a minute or two before slicing - learn how to slice below.
How To: Roll Sushi WITHOUT a Bamboo Sushi Mat
(Check out the video below as well)

1. Grab a sheet of nori and wet your hands(this helps keep the rice from sticking to your hands). Gather a handful of sushi rice and evenly spread it onto the nori, leaving one inch at the top empty.

2. Sprinkle sesame seeds and any seasonings onto the rice.

3. Add toppings to lower ½ of sushi roll. Get your fingertips wet, and moisten the the top inch of exposed nori.

4. Grab underneath the bottom of the nori, and roll upward, gathering all the fillings and ending in the middle of the sheet of nori. It helps to use your fingers to push the filling inside.

5. Once all your fillings are inside the first roll, use your fingers to clamp down across the length of the roll to help shape it.

6. Continue rolling all the way up to the moistened end of the nori.

7. Roll across it, and watch as it sticks to the rest of the roll, sealing it. Use your fingers to clamp down and shape the roll one more time.

8. Congrats! You've got sushi. Give it a few minutes before slicing, which you can learn below.
How To: Slice Sushi
(Check out the video below as well)

1. Get a sharp knife, moist paper towel or washcloth.

2. Slice the roll in half. Wipe knife clean with wet towel.

3. Cut each half into quarters. After every slice, wipe your knife clean with the wet paper towel. This helps give you a nice, clean slice.

4. Slice each quarter into halves, wiping your knife in between slices.

5. Wallah! You've Got Sushi!
How To: Roll & Slice Sushi - Video Guides
I put together some videos explaining what I verbally tried to explain above. Sometimes I find videos easier to learn from ... guess I should start learning to make/edit videos - eh?!
Rolling Sushi WITH a Bamboo Mat
Video Coming Soon
Rolling Sushi WITHOUT a Bamboo Mat
Video Coming Soon
How To: Slice Sushi
Video Coming Soon
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