Hello & Welcome!

I'm Emily Marrs, creator of Modern Home Cook, where you'll find nourishing recipes and resources for everyday life!
I started this blog as a way to share my passion for cooking and health with the everyday home cook (i.e. people like you and me). I have always been very interested in food, so much so that I got my Bachelor of Science in Dietetics. I learned all about food and its relationship to health, wellness, and human physiology. I loved learning the curriculum! However, when I finished school, I couldn’t help but notice my desire to continue learning how to cook far surpassed my desire to becoming a Dietitian.
During my studies, I realized the art of home cooking was slowly beginning to fade among a decent portion of our society. I worked with so many patients who doubted their knowledge and ability to prepare flavorful, healthy meals in their homes. The task of sourcing, planning, and cooking a meal felt completely foreign to them.
I wanted to create a space to change that, and Modern Home Cook was born. My goal is to provide you with the information you need to get into the kitchen! With time, you will begin to learn to use your own taste and preferences to guide you in preparing simple and delicious meals - using a planned list or simply what you have on hand. You’ll begin learning how to keep a well-stocked pantry that fits your needs. Ultimately, as you cook new recipes and learn new flavors, you’ll gain the confidence to step away from rigidly following recipes, and on to a path of learning, discovery, adaptation, and looseness in the kitchen.
Here is one simple truth: we all must eat to survive. I can promise you this - there is a special magic that occurs when you are involved in the creation of your own meals. It is an integral part of the human existence to be involved with the food that nourishes not only our body, but our mind and soul.
I hope to change your mindset around the art of preparing meals, and to instill within you an appreciation not only for cooking, but for the ingredients and food systems around you. Those created by our earth, and those though the labors of our fellow humans.
Gathering, preparing, and cooking meals is necessary for our survival. The art of cooking can be as simple or complex as you want to make it. We all have different schedules, lifestyles, and needs – therefore we must learn a style of home cooking that is most suitable for our daily lifestyle, right now.
The best part is, I am learning right alongside you! Learning doesn’t come without failure, and I plan on doing my best to share the highs and lows of my own journey as a home cook with you. So, join me, and together we will explore what it means to be a modern home cook!
In good health!